Advancing Market Access for Small Producers in Romania

Lucian Tanasă (RDRP) and Sebastian Bruma (RDRP) recently organized the conference “Sustainable Agri-Food Systems and Rural Entrepreneurship Edition I” shedding light on innovative strategies for rural development. During this event, Sebastian Bruma (RDRP) and Diana Creanga (UNIVI) presented a significant paper titled “Facilitating the Access of Small Producers from GAL SIRET MOLDOVA to the Iași City Market,” as part of the Ruralities project experiment.

This presentation focused on innovative strategies aimed at overcoming the economic and logistical challenges faced by small producers. The paper outlined efforts to develop sustainable agricultural systems that support local economies while maintaining environmental integrity. By promoting short supply chains and local markets, the initiative aims to increase visibility and profitability for small producers.

Bruma and Creanga’s comprehensive analysis detailed the project’s results, challenges, and future prospects, contributing to a resilient agro-economic ecosystem in Romania’s Northeast Development Region. Lucian Tanasă’s role in organizing the conference was crucial in facilitating these important discussions and advancing sustainable rural development.



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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation program under grant agreement no 101060876. UK participants in Horizon Europe Project RURALITIES are supported by UKRI grant numbers: 10051963 The Highlands and Islands Transport Partnership and 10050988 Earthwatch Europe.


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