Introducing the First RURALITIES Newsletter!

We’re excited to announce the release of the first RURALITIES newsletter! Packed with updates, insights, and highlights from our project, this newsletter marks an important milestone in our journey to promote rural development. Inside, you’ll find articles on recent events, project advancements, and upcoming opportunities. Stay informed about the latest happenings in our initiative and discover how we’re working together to empower rural communities. Don’t miss out – dive into our newsletter today and join us in shaping the future of rural areas!

To access the newsletter click here or on the picture below.



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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation program under grant agreement no 101060876. UK participants in Horizon Europe Project RURALITIES are supported by UKRI grant numbers: 10051963 The Highlands and Islands Transport Partnership and 10050988 Earthwatch Europe.


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