Population: 4,9 million
GDP per capita: EUR 31,4 thousand
Unemployment: 5.8%
Enterprises: 428 thousand
Energy consumption from renewable sources: 17.3%
Veneto, the eighth largest region in Italy, spans seven provinces and boasts diverse landscapes. With areas like the Alpine zone, hills, lower plain, and coastal territory, it covers 18364 sq km. Nearly 29% of Veneto is mountainous, 57% is the Po Valley, and the remaining 14% comprises low hills. The plain itself is subdivided into the higher plain and lower plain, which rich in water sources, is vital for agriculture and the most populated. Several rivers are flowing through the region as well.
The region has a resident population of 4,926,800, with varying densities across areas. Urban depopulation has shifted towards smaller municipalities in peri-urban areas. However, he resident population continues to grow as a result of immigration from abroad.
Veneto is robust, with over 427,517 companies and 123,953 craft firms as of 2020. It’s a tourism hub, ranking as the sixth most visited region in Europe and the first in Italy, welcoming 19.6 million arrivals and 69.2 million tourists in 2018.
The Foundation is a leading advocate for pilgrimage routes in Italy, promoting slow and sustainable tourism experiences in Italy and abroad. Over the past decade, it has been a key proponent of the Via Romea Strata, an international pilgrimage route crossing 7 countries from the Baltic Sea to Rome. The Foundation not only maintains the route, but through its pan-European network, also provides comprehensive trip services, including accommodation, guides, and information on historical, artistic, cultural, and religious heritage along the path. With expertise in route development, heritage preservation, network creation, and sustainable tourism promotion, the Foundation views the Romea Strata as a valuable resource for experimenting with innovative research practices and successful territory enhancement models.
The Asiago Plateau, situated within the LAG Montagna Vicentina territory, covering 878.3 km² with around 20,000 inhabitants, faces population decline, particularly among the youth seeking better opportunities elsewhere. With an aging demographic, key economic sectors include tourism and food production. The LAG, in collaboration with SIMES leader Fondazione Homo Viator, aims to combat depopulation and promote local sustainable development through innovative tools and initiatives, particularly in Slow Tourism. The engagement of a diverse pool of private and public stakeholders, already overseen by the LAG, ensures local community ownership throughout the process.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation program under grant agreement no 101060876. UK participants in Horizon Europe Project RURALITIES are supported by UKRI grant numbers: 10051963 The Highlands and Islands Transport Partnership and 10050988 Earthwatch Europe.