SmartAltopiano Living Lab

Basic Information

Name of Living Lab: SmartAltopiano

Website URL: to be host within the LAG Montagna Vicentina

Established Year: 2024

Logo: to be designed

Contact Information:

  • Contact Person: Viola Gaudiano, Irene Gasparella
  • Email:,
  • Phone Number: 340 8851997 (Viola Gaudiano)

Location: Asiago, Italy


Tourism in the area of the Asiago Plateau is populated by a large number of SMEs and at least 2 public bodies sharing the responsibilities related to the industry: the DMO Montagna Veneta, the Unione Montana Spettabile Reggenza dei Sette Comuni. The LL SmartAltopiano intends to guide the stakeholders operating within this area towards a more uniform approach on the common challenges and a more collaborative working method aimed at ensuring a wider participation to the knowledge sharing.

Priority will be assigned to:

  • Digitalization, from investing in online presence to have access to a decent connection in the most remote areas,
  • Problem solving, solutions identified or developed by single or groups of stakeholders will be collected in an organised catalogue of “ready to use methods”,
  • Peer to peer support, acquired knowledge will be share periodically or on demand among members and stakeholders in order to allow innovation to spread quicker,
  • Expert support, in order to identify innovative approaches a pull of experts coming from Universities, bigger companies, public institution, trade organisations will be available.



The main mission is to boost tourism companies by supporting them in establishing a systemic knowledge sharing method with the aim of helping them in overcoming daily challenges with a more recurrent use of innovative solutions, while offering a wider set of competencies useful for the growth of people working within the industry. 


Become a recognised player within the tourism industry in the area and at regional level able to act as innovation agent, to capitalise the collective intelligence of the genius loci, to transform the industry into a true instrument in fighting the depopulation of the area.



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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation program under grant agreement no 101060876. UK participants in Horizon Europe Project RURALITIES are supported by UKRI grant numbers: 10051963 The Highlands and Islands Transport Partnership and 10050988 Earthwatch Europe.


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