RURALITIES Project Partners Exchange Insights on Rural Mobility

In the ever-evolving landscape of rural development, collaboration and knowledge exchange are key drivers of progress. The Ruralities Project is proud to share an exciting recent partnership between our project partners, REDA (ASOCIACION RED ASTURIANA DE DESARROLLO RURAL) and HITRANS. These two organizations met in Inverness, Scotland, on March 27th, to engage in a dialogue on the pressing issue of mobility in rural areas with high levels of depopulation.

The meeting was marked by an exchange of experiences, where both REDA and HITRANS presented past successful practices related to rural mobility. These experiences served as valuable starting points for a deeper discussion on the challenges faced in remote regions and the innovative solutions that are currently being put to the test.

Currently, REDA is leading a study tour across Scotland. This tour brings together a diverse group of regional representatives, including those from Rural Area regional ministries. Together, they are exploring various projects that revolve around rural development, mobility, and demographic challenges under the coordination of ScotRuralAction and scotruralnet.

The Ruralities Project is happy for REDA and HITRANS for their remarkable teamwork and dedication to addressing critical issues faced by rural communities. It is through collaborations like these that we can work towards a brighter, more sustainable future for rural areas around the world.




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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation program under grant agreement no 101060876. UK participants in Horizon Europe Project RURALITIES are supported by UKRI grant numbers: 10051963 The Highlands and Islands Transport Partnership and 10050988 Earthwatch Europe.


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